Monday, October 29, 2012

All Hallows' Eve

This collection began as a Halloween flash fiction writing contest on Facebook, sponsored by Sharon Van Orman. This is not one person’s achievement, but a collective of people from around the block and around the world. Enjoy these spooky bits, for they are what makes Halloween special!

"Hal L. O’ween" is the pen-name of a group of writers from around the world that have joined together to ‘scare your pants off!’

Each ‘Halloween Horror Flash Fiction Contest’ story, sponsored on Facebook by Sharon Van Orman, was approved and contributed to this anthology for your ‘enjoyment’.

The individual authors retain ALL the rights to these stories.

Many thanks go to the following writers—without their involvement, this collection wouldn’t have been possible:

Devin Berglund, Brian Bigelow, Melissa Blume, Carol Bond, Michelle Patricia Browne, Jaleta Clegg, Richard Cotton, Russell Cruse, J. A. Cunningham, Toy Davis, Bella Doerres, Debra Elliott, Jiva Fang, Paul Freeman, Joseph Alan Gharagheer, Pamela Griffiths, Erik Gustafson, Denise Hemphill, Bruce Hesselbach, Rob Holliday, Katrina Jack, Gerald D. Johnston, Mel L. Kinder, Merita King, Pamela K. Kinney, Neil Leckman, Tracy Lesch, Rosemary Lynch, Ellen McKinney, Wolfen Lee McKoy, Shannon Marie Mead, Jason Mueller and C. L. Foster, Matthew Christopher Nelson, Sharon Van Orman, Patrick Ottuso, Cheryl C. Ramirez, Martin Reaves, Katherine Rochholz, Kincaid Savoie, Adam Sifre and Splinker, Gretchen Steen, Michael L. Turner, Rahima Warren, Richard A. Wentworth, Lisa Williamson, Sherill Willis, Stephen L. Wilson, Kay D. Ziegler.

We are "Hal L. O’ween"

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

Flash Fiction Contest

Check out all the great stories in this Halloween themed flash fiction contest.
Mine is #B12 no coments or voting unitl Monday.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

For a limited time get my Novella 'Revenge So Sweet' Kindle edition on sale for only 99 cents only at Amazon.
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Amazon UK